Welcome to my blog!!

I am happy to have you as a visitor. This blog was created with the goal to connect teachers around the world, to connect pupils and parents to me and to encourage my students to have some self study moments at home.

Hugs from Brazil

quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2012

GAME 01: In this interactive game, the students see the animals and click on the words carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.

GAME 02: In this interactive game, the students will classify animals as carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.
GAME 03: In this game, the students have to read what each animal eat and then drag it to the right place.

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

How about Equivalent Fractions! Let's play some games.

Here are some more games using FRACTION. This time we are going to practice EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS.

Game 01 - Student has to click on the equivalent fractions to make a pair.

Game 02 - In this game you have to shoot the correct equivalent fraction.

Game 03 - In this game the student has to drag and drop the correct answer.
Game 04 - This is a different game. They give you a fraction on one side and on the other you have to press the plus or minus bottom to match the equivalent fraction.
I hope you have had some fun and learned a lot with this game.
Bye, See you next time.


sábado, 6 de outubro de 2012

Remains,Won! - Math Game about Division


36 cards numbered from 1 to 9 (4 of each value).
Paper and pencil for notes


2 to 4 players


·         The cards should be shuffled and divided into three piles of 12 cards each, placed on the table with the numbers facing down. The numbers on the cards of 2 of these piles form the dividend, and the other will be the divisor.


·         The players decide who will start. Each player, in turn, chooses the mountains that form the dividend and the divisor and turns one card up of each pile to make the division. For example, if the numbers of the piles chosen to form the dividend is 2 and 4 and the number on the divisor pile is 3, it can be 24 ÷ 3 or 42 ÷ 3.


·         The rest of the division will determine the number of points that the player will make on that round. If the remainder is 0, the player does not score point.


·         Each round, the player writes down their points, example, the rest of the division, and discards the used cards.


·         When the cards run out of the piles, each player must add their points.


·         The winner will be the one who gets the most points at the end of the cards.


sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012

Let's practice fractions!

Dear Junior 04 and 05,

Math is fun and you can learn a lot with these games. So, let's give them a try?
Ms. Vanessa Tavares

Game 01 - Student has to click on the correct fraction.

Game 02 - Student has to press space bar to release the fraction in the correct container.
Game 03 - It's a memory game. The student has to match the pictures with the corresponding fraction.
Game 04 - In this game, the student has to color the picture and write the corresponding fraction to get a pin. At the end, he/she throws the ball like in a bowling match.
Game 05 - In this game, the student has to match the pictures and the fractions. He/she has to put the pictures on one side of the scale and the corresponding fraction on the other side.


quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Earth, the planet we live in


               We can observe a Globe, some maps and some photos to study the Earth.

Discuss these questions

  1. These are the Earth’s representations. What is the difference between them?
  2. Which of these representations is closest to the actual shape of the planet?
  3. In which of the representations it is possible to observe the entire surface of the planet at the same time?
           The globe is the best way to represent the Earth. We can say that it is a little mold that suggests its shape.
             The Earth has a geoid shape. It means, it is curve, convex in the center and flattened at the ends, where the north and south poles are located.

            The planisphere and the maps came from the globe, to help in the study of Geography.
             Map is a representation of the curved surface of the earth on a flat surface as the surface of a sheet of paper. A map can represent the whole surface or just part of it.

             Planisphere is a map showing the Earth's surface. In the planisphere we can see all parts of the surface at the same time. When a map represents the whole surface of the Earth, it is also called world map.

Planisphere also called World Map.


Photos help create maps.

Aerial photographs, that is, photographs taken by cameras attached to a plane, and images produced by various artificial satellites provide information on the surface, example:  deforested areas, location of mineral resources, weather conditions, among others.

This information is used in the preparation of various types of map.
Aerial photo of Rio de Janeiro - RJ
µ The lines drawn on maps are imaginary

Have you noticed that there are several lines drawn on the globe and in different maps? Do you know what these lines are and what they are used for?

The lines drawn on the globe and maps are the parallels and meridians. These lines are drawn to facilitate the location of any place in the planet's surface. They are called imaginary lines, it does not actually exist.

              I am now a teacher at a bilingual school and I have to give lesson of Geography and Science in English as part of the kids curricula. And sometimes it is very difficult to find things in English about the Brazilian Geography. I'm not an expert in these subjects, so I asked those of you who are to help me, I mean, if you find anything which doesn't really correspond to the truth, please let me know OK.

              So, from now on I will be publish things about Geography and Science for Grade 4, 5 and 6. Here is my first, I hope you enjoy them. 

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

Bee Body Parts

Hi friends,

I have been away for such a long time. But I'm back and this week I am working with bugs life focusing on Bees and I have found this exercise online and I find it very interactive. I used with my kids and they loved. Give it a try.